Friday, August 21, 2009


Az you can see i've been shopping. copping a spendin. Every summer I usually have an item that usualy workz for me, then i go all out in abundance buying them. The sad part iz I might not feel the same way about the item next year. Like polo shirtz. Spring and summer of 08, I destroyed new haven with suitz, polo shirtz with matching hatz. thinking they would work for me thiz year, I bought six of them in April. only to my surprize, I wazn't really feeling them. Maybe my ralph lauren bleeker and Mercer classic jointz. Thoze are more collectabllez (LO HEADZ UNITE!!!!!). So thiz summer in my wardrobe, it'z all about wild color Tuxedo vestz!1!!!! They're the perfect item when you really don't feel like getting suited up 100%. Plain Black and white vestz are great, and can be uzed with everything. but once again, color and design are what bringz out the dressy quaulitiez of the outfit when a vest iz concerned. And trust, theze bad boyz will definetly get work!!!!

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