Thursday, January 15, 2009

GBX is heavy for the season

Once again GBX has released some heat to the masses that will are head turners. The royal blue joints are straight up my style!!!!Those would most definetly get work all night and all day!!!! The thing about slip on mocs like those, they're versitle. They're great for those moments when you don't want to wear dress shoes, but still want to be presentable too. Plus the royal blue gives it that added flair!! The hybrid Wally-boots will always be a staple of GBX. Wally's were some of the first pair of shoes the the spin off brand of Giorgio Brutini produced. Then different companies started playing with the soles of the wallys. Creating joints that had a mountain gear sole on em!!! Those so sex!!!! They reminded me of spice girl boots!!! LOL! but these joints i must say I like!!! I'm not mad at these. Now we've got GBX's equivilent to the Nike ACG's and The Gortex Boots!!! Like i've said befor I would wear these bfor I would wear ACG's and Gors!!! For one everybody and their body and their mother is Humpin the life out of Gors and Acg's!! Knowing good and well years aggo dudes(in 96-2004) dudes were not proud to be wearing Nike Boots(some tried but it wasn't that hot)!!! And Gortex boots were the red headed step child to mountain Gears and Lugs!!!! So instead of running with the trend, I'll stick to what I know!!! The GBX boots Are the sickest joints, If I would really kill those boots!!! You know what sucks about this is non of these shoes are in actual stores(Atleast where i'm at, if anybody knows different please leave a comment). And when you hit their website they're funny with the ordering process!!!! Bunch of suckaz!!!! Won't even leave a 1-800 number for a brotha!!!!!!

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