Thursday, October 7, 2010


Therez somethin to say about a man who defie the lawz of not only fashion but hiz man hood and still hold to hiz masculinity. Gospel singer Byron Cage iz one that doez just that. Here we see him wearing two itemz that most men would die if they were seen in. A pink blazer and a floral print shirt!!!!! Flowerz and Pink!!!! EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!! But I love how he'zable to pull i!!! You guyz who have been folloewing my blog know that i'm on my all bright colored everything and floral print everything!!!! Thiz iz something I would attempt with a dashiki!!! People if your reading thiz understandthiz iz a monumental outfit!!!!! I tilt my hat to you byron!!!!

1 comment:

Ninjagaiden78 said...

That fit is kinda ill. Real men wear pink.