Sunday, September 5, 2010


Giorgio Brutini alwayz comez out with the best adz every seazon. What makez their advertizementz work, iz how they strategicly position their productz in a synchronized patern with blending hard or soft backgroundz. But I got to talk about the first ad pic. Man!!!!!! Giorgio Brutini came straight out of left field with exotic skin sneakerz. Itz funny that I did an entry on David Eden kickz being wack az ever, and turning around and seeing theze a few dayz later. David Eden designerz and creative marketing team pleaze take notice thiz iz how you do it!!!! Thoze are fresh enough to go toe to toe with the Exotic Sneaker kingz Mauri!!!! I'm also in love with how they're working fedora hatz into their collection. I tiltz my GB Brim to you guyz at Giorgio Brutini/Harbor Footwear.

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