Monday, February 1, 2010

The Dream'z pink and black tuxedo jacket at the 2010 grammyz

For the grammys I really wazn't wowed with style. but when dream bursted on the scene to accept hiz award for co-writting single ladiez with thiz Pink and black tux jacket i waz rather elated. I do feel he could have worn it with a few white accentz. Like a white dress shirt. keep the black bow-tie. but rock a black vest with it. and the jeanz and kickz could stay. Like i've said befor many people hate on dream'z dress code. But he deffinetly doez hiz own thing. He'z not afraid to be himself. Yez he haz hiz own way of wearing todayz trendz and he might take a miss. but soooooo what!!!!!??? dream deffinetly iz fresh and FuZz.

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