Seeing thiz toy Lambo in the store made me really think about my dreamz and goalz. Not so much for it being a Luxury sportz car. But for it being something that many strive to attain. Many die without really bringin their goalz and dreamz to Fruition. But it if u strive hard and stay patient, Your dreamz will come true. I mean be real, when see the person driving that Lambo,the Rollz, the or the porshe; or when u see that person stuntin hard or acheiving a level of success,u don't know what that individual had to do reach that point. No matter what level it iz. We don't know the heartache the driver haz gone through to sit behind that wheel. Driving down the high way of life, it doezn't matter how fast you get to ur destination. What matterz iz u got there!!! Thatz when u can really reep the benifitz. Sunshine may not be in ur Forcast today, but by the end of the week the sun waz able to smile down upon our livez. But, what happenz iz we get stuck in thingz happening right now, becauze of uz living in the microwave generation. We have to learn to wait our turn. We feel if thingz don't happen thiz instant, right now, quick fast and in a hurry; that our day will never come. We see the progress of otherz and we feel we should be right there competing in the same arena with them. But God choze all of our timingz for success. He mapped out all of life'z planz befor we were all conceived. Hard work and dedication iz what payz off in the long run. And to be honest many might not even Get that Lambo. But the Peace of mind that one attainz in long run iz worth more than the value of that car! So keep ya headz up, and keep striving. FuZz!
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