While everybody waz in the Holloween spirit, I decided to hit the mall for a lil shhopping and a movie. The wanna be freakz were out in record numberz,, dressed az every mythical character possable. Me, to not be confuzed with any of thoze suckaz, I went lowkey FuZz. Sweater, dress shirt, kangol, dress pantz, scarf, and my Impulsez. Remember real freakz come out in the daytime!!! Anyway, had a few minz befor Saw 6 starte, so I went to my Favorite store Express. Went over to the counter with the sweaterz, and saw a stack of Yellow V-kneckz. Jointz had sold out a week befor (thank you to the sucka who put it on the manican, Suckaz will deffinetly buy it if they see how itz put together). Sifting through the stack I saw a sea of Mediumz!!! But at the bottom of the heap, what would I see??? YEZ AN XL!!!!!! THE ONLY IN THE BUNCH!!!!!! GOD WORKZ IN MYSTERIOZ WAYZ!!!! Thiz teachez a small lesson about persistance!!! Oh they hit me with the buy one get the other half off thing. I just bought the green so I woulld have it. To be honest, the buy one get one half off joint really izn't a deal in my book!!!! All in all great night, great shopping, and a good movie.
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