When I do theze Power Movez Behind the stitch segmentz, I try to give readerz a look at the brandz that we buy through the inside out. Talking about what goez on with the garmentz befor they hit the wrack. Whatz the Psycology behind the marketing teamz pitchez. What bussiness deal went down to create that shirt or thoze pair of shoez. We take for granted what goez into the thingz we wear, when were stylin and profiling. Many of the timez I see people wearing certain itemz and they have no clue what haz gone into it. Itz deeper than kidz in china working a quarter to make a pair of Jordanz. But it'z how they're marketing thoze Jordanz to the African American community. Itz just putting out the same paair of air jordan 12'z that came out in 96 and rereleasing them in 09. I didn't come here to discus jordanz or labor issuz. In thiz post I want to talk about the Shoe company Harbor Footwear. Off hand u probably have never heard of the company. But Harbor iz responsible for being the parent company that houzez the most well known Footwear brandz such az Giorgio Brutini, Gbx, Impulse, zengara and antonio zengera. Itz funny when u think about theze five brandz seperatly, have their own identity. And when ur out at a menzwear store, it lookz like their all under individual companiez aiming for the same base. But in actuality each brand waz made to appeal to different crowdz. For yearz Giorgio Brutini haz been known az a seriouz dress shoe brand and haz earned a name along side footwear rival Stacy Adamz. GBX on the other hand haz alwayz been Giorgio Brutini'z off spring that had been created to capitalize off of a younger crowd. Impulse waz created under the Steeplegate shoe brand but haz since grown into itz own az an innovator in Men'z exotic dress shoez. And in their attempt to reach a broader audience they create Impulsr sport Culture. Zengara iz more of a conservitive dress shoe line that dealz in new age modelz but uzez darker colorz. Antonio Zengara iz their flashy italian counter part that dealz with the most flashiest dress shoez and waz created to battle new age exotic dress she brandz like Zota and Fiesso. To be real itz smart to attack the market like thiz, becauze when u look at it, therez a way to gain revinue from everybody. Someone may want the orginal classiness of a Giorgio brutini dress shoe. Some one elze my want the flashiness of an Antonio zengara dress shoe. Some kid who digz jeanz and kickz, may like Impulse sport culture sneakerz. But itz all in how you market it to each individual. Itz part of Supply and demand. Yez theze tacticz are very deceiving to the intelegence of shopperz. But thiz iz why itz up to shopperz, to do more than just shop. Do ur research on theze brandz. Take time to actually research the parent compaiez and brandz that are offiliated with one another. Find out why in a Levi'z outlet would be connected to a dockerz. And look at why certain brandz make certain itemz.
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