Friday, March 11, 2011


Over the past 10 yearz the NBA all star game haz been known az the event where spectatorz of all typez come to show off all of the yearz trendy itemz!!!! A lot haz to be said for a young Nick Cannon coming to the All Star game dressed to the ninez when everyone else iz in trend overdose!!!! So much haz been made about Kanye on hiz Balmain Kick until the fashion community hazn't really aknowledged Nick Cannon going hard az a young refined gent. I'm in love with the gray plaid blazer and vest combo, with the pink shirt and tie with the bone white dress pantz. My only gripe with the outfit might be hiz choicee of footwear. I would have loved to see a cream dress shoe. However, it workz with hiz look. Nick Cannon haz mastered the art of feeling comfortable in a suit! Which iz missing a lot of timez when men get dressed. Men get dressed out of obligation, not for the sport!!! But Nick bringz it back to the essence of it all. The timez when men got dressed without the fear of over doing it!!!!! I mean look at Nick sitting front row next to diddy!!!!! Diddy being a more established media mogul iz playing it hood casual in jordans!!! But it makez a statement rolling to the event suited and booted ready for what'z in store. Shout out to Nick Cannon for stylin on theze suckaz!!!!! and congratz on the twinz bruh!!!!

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