Thursday, August 26, 2010


THERE WE GO BIG SHAQ!!!!! One of the Best dressed men in the NBA in my book. Recently shaq haz been spotted sporting the revived bow-tie look to many eventz including hiz press conference inucting him az a member of the celtics. Many NBA playerz have been seen sporting bow-tie'z and yez it iz the men'z acccessory to wear to show people that your a refined gentleman yada!!!!! yada!!!!! yada!!!!!! I will save the conversation about every man needing to own a bow-tie for a different post!! Thank you Mr. Benley for bringin Bow-tie'z back az a staple in a well dressed man'z wardrobe. Back to Big shaq, I love how he'z able to incorperate the bow-tie into hiz impecable selection of suitz. Even though haz one many awardz for hiz sartorial capabilitiez, he'z also caught the rap for being one of the NBA player'z who suit it old school player style. When the Steve Harvey/cedric the entertainer 4 or 5 button suit jokez come up, you'll most deffinetly see shaq'z name come up some where in the conversation. But let'z be real with ourselvez, I don't care what tailor you get half of theze NBA playerz look bad in Bespoke tailoring. There are some area'z of a man'z body that don't need to be highlighted. And bespoke tailored suitz show everything, especially when you don't have the body for it. A gentleman with Shaq'z large frame and stature automaically lookz great in the hated "four button" suit becauze of how they are crafted to hang and fit the body. Even though that the suitz shaq iz wearing in theze photoz aren't of the sort, they still carry the free form flowiing movement of the particular player vibe. I mean you can tell by the wide leg pantz. And the bow-tie matched with thiz suit bringz much more class to an already perfect outfit. Much success to you shaq in the upcoming season.

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