Saturday, July 10, 2010


Now az of the last year and a half there haz been a huge fixation with red suede slip on loaferz amongst many of the stylish hipsterz. The more notable brand of choice for thiz band of style foward individualz iz Ralph Lauren. And after noticing the influx many other companiez haz jumped on the band wagon az well creating their own red suede slip on loaferz. Masking the fact of being copy catz, other companiez have ventured into making other colorz such az royal blue, purple and the standard suble colorz such az gray and black. Don't get me wrong i'm not hating. trust me own purple suede slip on'z however red iz the dominant color they're pushing. Tonight I broke down and splurged on theze Red Suede Response Robert wayne Loafz. Well i'm already a Robert Wayne fan. However, itz the first time I bought a pair of shoez under the Robert Wayne sub brand Response. To be honest itz been a min since i've seena real good pair of Wayne'z that I really felt.

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