Back when MC Hammer waz in hiz prime he had to be one of the freshest dressed rapperz out. whether it waz hiz huge pantz, or a sick wind breaker, or a flashy suit, hammer alwayz brought the ruckuz with the outfitz. In recent yearz hammer'z style haz taken sooo many different twistz and turnz. But I remember watching BET'z Anniversary show and I remember hammer destroying the scene with thiz dark plumb purple suit with the mink coat and the Gucci shadez. Az i saw him take the stage Icouldn't beleave it waz hammer. Uzually i'm uzed to seeing a wool ski cap with a brim on it. But thiz night hammer looked like he waz ready for the playerz ball!!! The average fashion critic would rip thiz look apart on soooooo many different levelz. The purple suit, with the striped purple dress shirt/tie set, the fur coat, ect. But when hammer hit the stage he had so much attitude, so much flair, hiz look waz the flyest handz down!!! Then they messed around and asked him to kill em with some dance movez on stage!!! Hammer brought the houze down!!!! He turned that motha out!!!! If hammer hazn't looked any better since 92, he sure brought it thiz night!!! I tiltz my kangol to thiz gent!!!!
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