Saturday, February 13, 2010


Since thiz iz Valentine'z day weeked I thought my pookie and I would spend it together. Pookie haz a fondness for nature and other life on earth, so I thought we could spend the day at the Peabody Mueseum taking in the exhibitz. Man we saw all typez of dinosaurz, saber tooth tigerz, bugz, birdz and everything. man we hadn't been to tht muesem since we were kidz. We both said that it had nore to the place back in the day. But it waz most deffinetly a great place. From there we went to eat at clarkz pizza downtown in New Haven. Place brought back memoriez, my mom and dad uzed to bring me there when i waz a kid. They uzed to have a jupebox where the manageruzed to play micheal jackson'z i'm bad for me every friday night, and they uzed to get a kick out of watching me dance!!! LOL! but it waz a nice quiet atmosphere. Which iz strange. we're uzed to seeing haterz and weirdoz. It waz nice to dine without having suckaz in our facez. Lookz like we'll be in there more often. After our bite, we hit the downtown area. you know itz tough when the cop'z are waving at u from cop carz!!! man pleaze!! LOL! But man it waz great day. Watch what Valentine'z day bringz!!!!

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