Monday, October 26, 2009


Yeah I know, all thiz talk about Impulse sneakerz, I know a lot of ya'll figured I waz gonna break down and buy a pair. Well yep, marched myself down to Whalley Sample Shop and bought em!!! And no don't think ur gonna see a pair of 501'z with em!!!!! No but when I rock em a plan to kill em suit and sneakerz style. The part where most people go wrong with the look iz they try to be too relaxed. Some people will just put on jeanz instead of dress pantz. Otherz will just put on a t-shirt underneath instead of a dress shirt. But go all the way hard to still covey ur not playing with em. Uzed to love killin that look. Trust not makin a habit of it. Too many ill dress shoez in my collection.

1 comment:

  1. you know you gotta post how you rock these jump offs. Stay Fresh!
