Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fresh to the Madisonz part 2

In my recent quest for all the colorz of the Stacy Adamz Madisonz, I came across theze Deep Eggplant purple joitz. Yez I know they look more blackish then purple becauze of the pic(I-phone can't come fast enough!!!! Samsung Eternity be buggin!!!). Right now I've got the red, yellow, my black and white spat bootz/Madisonz, the brown and tan spat bootz/madisonz. Now theze. I'm working on the Hunter green, lime green, teal, and white. White iz easy. It'z the other three that are rough. Man Stacy Adamz iz pushing white everything in the madisonz. From Ancle Bootz to calf bootz, to the regularz. Even making them in paten leather. ZOh trust, I'm on the look out for concordz and daytonz az well!!!!

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