Friday, April 24, 2009

If the world of denim has gone far enough, I bring you Konvict Jeans!!!!!

Now what do I know, yes I take extravagent to levels unseen, but Akonn and Konvict Jeans!!!!!!?????? What type of mess is this!!!???? I DON'T WANT NOTHIN ON MY BUT THAT SYBALIZES ME GOING TO JAIL!!!! I ain't tryna bring bad vibes on me!!!!! I don't care if you change that C to a K I ain't rockin with it!!!!! Handcuffs on my butt!!! Got to be kidding me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just poppin' in ...long time no see..I'm so sorry !
    Been catching up on reading..I guess I'm just following too many blogs lately ;-)
    Great look these jeans .. are you into jean ?
    I pictured you more in suits and silk trousers I wrong ...?
