Monday, January 5, 2009

Love love let me take you to the stair way to heaven!!!

Hey FuZz world, a lot of things been runnin through my head. But, my head. Don't normally like watchin the news, but I was kind of set back when I found out the Head of the Multi billion dollar entity of Apple Products, Steve Jobbs was sufferibg from pancreatic Cancer. I mean a man who you feel should be enjoying life for having a minopoly over the electronic world, is really fighting for his life. No amount of money can restore his health. You know that really puts life in perspective for me. I ain't gonna front i'm always gonna be the same old Fresh. Always gonna be the wild shoppahalic!! But at the same time I can't stunt I really enjoy the little things. It's like when Nas said on the lost tapes,I reconized the world is a beautiful place, niggaz opinions, Ruinin my musical taste. It just didn't mean music. Nas meant man's attitude and actions taint the innocents that world has. it's like a Baby. A baby to me is like a blank CD or VHS tape. Theres nothing on it until things are downloaded or recorded on them. Same like a baby. A baby immitates what it see's. God forbid if what it views is negative!!! But we as people just need to stop and smell the roses. Stop being suckaz and Posers. Maintain 360 Lord and Live prosperous like the older gods. man Older Gods said it only takes a lesson a day just to live life in a respectable mind. Lets love and enjoy our lives people!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well said !
    Terrible news about Jobbs, will have to tell hubby (he will allready know as he reads a newspaper once a day) He's been an Apple fan since the 80ies...

    It's true - you should live and enjoy yourself every day and ditch the bad vibes so you are happy for others too...

    PS thanks again for the nice comments on my blog...warmly, Dominica
