Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day 08 Stuntin at the Hillhouse vs Cross game!!!! Part 1

What's FuZzN world, happy Turkey Day to the masses!! Today we took our annual trip to the Hillhouse Vs Cross football game breakfast for fun and festivities. However this year many attendies(including yours trully) were peaved that the Football game and breakfast was moved to our rival Wilbur Cross highschool. I mean come on now, how are you going to up and move something that's been going on for years!!! Yeah that's right i'm pissed!!! I'm a third generation Hillhouse High school graduate!!! So you know we weren't havin it!!!! LOL!!! All in all, it we had a great time at the breakfast!! Every year we suckaz line up for the nasty grits and bacon which I never eat!!! Really my fam and I just go to have fun!!! while up in their, we cracked jokes about everything, even got interviewed by a gentlemen from a local newspaper called the New Haven Independant. Be on the look out for that. But on the real we had a good time. but ya'll got a wait!!! part two is comin!!!

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