I've never been a fan of LL's style(I do respect his appeal to the females and his Kangol game though). So when they said he was coming out with a clothing line, I wasn't too thrilled!!!! Plus Sears carries it so you know I thought it was mad sex!! But to be honest its not bad. It just looks like something Black Label would put out!!. Either way you know I would never wearit!! But for all the other succkaz, it could work!!! Well maybe not!!!! He's only capitalising off of the designs of todays styles. Nothing innovative, just something that can sell and compete in today's market!!! Hope it doesn't do like Nelly's Vokal did!!! LOL!
for a second there I thought you were going to give LL's line a Milt-Fresh Experience stamp of approval......you would have lost mad cool points with me bro!!! lol
Game recognize Game... innovators know what's up!!!
Keep Stylin'
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