Now for many many many yearz, itz alwayz been a statis symbol for black people to walk around clubz, patiez and eventz, with bottlez of alchol. I guess it expressez that, I can afford to buy the whole bottle while ur just buying the drink effect. Rapperz have done it, R&B singerz have done it. Every drink possable, moet, crystal, Hennessy, Hynotic, don p, some new looking mess called NUVO, Ace of spade and whatever. I'm not a drinker so the alchol doezn't really matter to me. But itz the attitude that walking around with a bottle bringz out in people, especially black people really estoundz me!!!! LOL!(had to laugh!!!!). Now let me get to the point, enter Kanye West, the night of the tailor swift siduation. My dude iz strolling the red carpet with what? A bottle of Henny!! Masn when I saw that I had flash backz of my Couzin Willz(Ill Will 4x R.I.P) funeral when hood dudez from around the way came in the joint with Big bottlez of henny!! Yez so Hennessy iz the drink of choice in the ghetto! So I waz like Wow, Ye iz lettin hiz inner rapper loose! Then he downz the bottle likw crazy! Then there waz the shout heard round the world!! Well people want to know what he waz thinking!??! IT WAZ EAZY, BLAME IT ON THE HENNY!!!!! LOL!!! I know i'm wild!!! Oh let me side track for a bit, that red leather biker jacket Don C haz on iz so Freakin DANGEROUZ!!!!!! TOO FRESH AND FUZZ!!!! A JACKET LIKE THAT MAKEZ ME NOT EVEN REALLY CARE ABOUT THIZ POST!!!!!