Monday, August 31, 2009

The key peice

When we look at buying clothez we're under the assumption that were suppozed to wear it once then hurl it back into the closetz never to be worn again. I mean the celebretiez we idolize do it that way. How many timez haz have you seen dresses and outfitz at Award showz, red carpetz, store openingz, and what have you, saying to yourself that iz a mean outfit but you'll never see that outfit again. But, to be real the true test of a person of style, iz how they utilize key peicez in your wardrobe to create new outfitz. Personally I don't beleave in that rock an outfit once concept. I beleave in landscaping an outfit with different itemz to create different lookz. Thiz stemz from having a personal attachment to certain outfitz!!! Specially with different suitz. I have pleanty of suitz, but I have suitz that I like better than otherz. However I sculped them with other itemz to create workz of art. Now you may be saying, Milt-Fresh, what do you know?!!!! Well many celebz have takin on thiz same idea and are running with it. Beleave it or not Kanye haz done it, then therez new age style Icon Taz Arnold whoze leading the pack. but today we're going to look at how Pharrell Williams pulls thiz off. Pharrell iz everybodiez favorite style star and the person whoze style iz alwayz copied!!! However, pharrell iz known for wearing certain peicez more than once. Like when he waz into the whole yellow and white N.E.R.D trucker hat dayz in 2000-01. He had a black suede Gucci Sherling jacket that he waz known for wearing right along with a black and red puma track jacket. In thiz phaze, we look at Pharrell with thiz tan blazer with cream pipping on the lapel. We see the same jacket with three different lookz. One with him performing on stage with a polo. Another with a driving cap a polo, and riding bootz. Another with a plaid button down and a wide brim hat. And the other with a striped polo and wallabee clarkz. All of them are great lookz, but it showz you the possibiliez you have when looking at uzing one item. What people are afraid of iz what people will think about them. The majority of people feel itz kind of wack to do it becauze it showz you don't have the money to just buy new peicez. But letz be real, in thiz day and age average people don't have money to throw away. You buy a $400 blazer or jacket you want to get wear out of it. The key iz in how you style the outfit to look brand new. Let your imagination roam free!!!! The thing iz people are lazy to uze their imagination, so they would rather just go out and buy totally new outfitz. However true show of style iz being able to mix old with the new. take a black three peice suit for example. Endless possibilies and a great investment. You can wear the whole suit. You can wear the pantz and jacket. The vest and pantz. The vest and jacket with jeanz or a different pair pantz. Itz how far you want to go that particular day. However you must accessorize. Shoez and dress shirtz and ect play a great part in the landscape of an outfit. If you have a very embeleshed choice in footwear like Skateboard P'z riding bootz, they tend to devert attention away from the jacket. You'll probably know thatz the same jacket but you'll say thoze bootz are something elze!!!! And even with the head gear. The dring cap bringz a laid back cool. But the wide brim hat bringz out an old school masculinity on a young man which devertz attention from the jacket! But it'z all in the presentation!! If you wear the same outfit with the jacket it will alwayz be the same outfit with that jacket. But if you find new wayz to revive it, it becomez something different.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


So besidez today being my dad'z birthday, it waz my uncle Bobby'z birthday yesterday. So we had a small get together where we all laughed and joked about the past, the present, and deliberated about the future. It felt like old timez together. We converged in my grandmother'z houze, and it brought back soooo many memoriez befor she and many other family memberz passed. Thoze were great timez for my family. Felt god that even though many key memberz passed on, we still were able to keep the flame of family unity together. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD AND UNCLE BOBBY!!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU TO SEE MANY MORE!!!!

Fresh to the Madisonz part 12

Purple Stacy Adamz Madisonz got work!!!! Definetly love the classicz!!!!


So today iz my Dad'z birthday, he turned 65 today. So in honor of youth, we he decided to come with me to get a hair cut. Now you got to know my father Milton Sr. He doezn't do haircutz. But thiz time around my man enjoyed hiz cut!!! I have a feeling he'll be back more often!!!! LOL!

Fred Perry joint iz would be a good look for my collection.

Itz been a while since i've felt a Fred Perry bag like thiz. For two yearz i've collected Fred Perry bagz. From the Gym Bagz, to the retro carrying jointz. I've seen some that were worthy of buying, then in recent monthz i've seen some that shouldn't have even left the pagez of design portfolioz!!! So seeing thiz particular bag waz a breath of fresh air in my lungz. Great burst of color thatz needed to make a statement. Not too over powering, subtle but definetly strong enough. Would definetly show my inner negrow and color cordinate with the bag. Sometimez I like to do that. Then otherz I let the bag speak for iteslf.

Friday, August 28, 2009

For the Love of the FuZz: Ronald Isley

Now az a kid growing up I had the priledge of having old school parentz who were and still are proud to be old school. You can look through my motherz record collection, yez I said record collection, and find many of the great artistz from yester year. George clinton, last poetz, Frankie beverly, harold melvin, a tun of jamez brown(Jamez brown iz the man in tat houze!!!), but what you'll find are Isley Brotherz classicz. In the 70'z the Isleyz we're a great group. But to see that Ronald Isley waz able to appeal to the massez in the 90'z and 00'z, blew my mind. All becauze of hiz sharp and smooth Aler-ego Mr. Bigg that waz created for the seriez of R-kelly hitz from 95-on. And everywhere Ronald Isley went or performed he waz alwayz dressed to the ninez, representing what a smooth player waz. I mean itz the same thing that Charlie Wilson iz trying to do now, only with Jeanz, a blazer and a straw hat. But nobody touchez Ronald Isley. But what I liked about him waz he waz never afraid to wear bright colored long Zoot suiz. Redz, lime greenz, and yellow. But he did it with a smmoth touch. I can still picture him tellin Shante Moore to Shut up with R-Kelly in the Room on Contagious!!! LOL! To Funny. My man iz spazzin with a suit and a fur coat. How player iz that????!!!!! Did I mention homey'z cane with the kitana blade in it???!!!! I must say Ron Isley haz inspired my look to some degree. I mean who didn't want to be Mr. Bigg around 95? Most young men dream of being that cool when they age!! He had R-kelly bloody and beaten out in the middle of the desert!!!! How real waz that?? He didn't even break a sweat while doing it!!!!


Lookz quiet huh? Don't let it fool you. Everything ain't the way itz perceived to be. But so much haz changed about thiz environment. Same fist fightz, same arguementz, same young birdz pushin baby strollerz, same shoot outz. But the characterz have changed. Trust me it ain't the same no more!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


MOM, DAD, AND I COUPLE SUNDAYZ AGO. family iz everything!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Just came from seeing the G.I. Joe movie earlier. A lot of people hated on the flick, but in my opinion it waz live, I felt it. Action packed. Kept me on the edge of my seat. My favorite character in the whole movie waz freakin STORM SHADOW!!!! Dude'z wardrobe waz fresh during the whole movie!!!! White everything!!!! White three peice suit, white shoez, white ninja outfit, white kickz, white mask, white sword casez!!!!! And my man Storm Shadow waz straight cold blooded and ruthlezz in the flick!!! My man waz a murderer since he waz kid!!! Him and snake eyez stayed going at it!!!! I didn't like how they made snake eyez costume. He looked better in the cartoon in my opinion. But watchin Storm Shadow gave me an idea with the FuZz game. Can't talk about it, in the diliberating stagez. But on the real, all white everything. I dig Jay and all but ALL BLACK FOUR YEARZ STRAIGHT!!!!! Man, what a drab future that iz!!!! I feel the statement but I just can't roll like that. But all white four yearz straight izn't a bad concept!!!!!

Simplicity of the Madisonz!!!!

Az the Stacy Adamz company keepz altering their old designz with new colorz and sleeker shapez one thing iz becoming aparent, they're trying to make their classic shoez more relevent to todayz market. Men'z shoezare more tricky, right now pointed toez are like the square toez of 02-03, soon or later they'll die out. While the pointed toe trend iz all the rage, everybody doezn't feel comfortable wearing them. Eveybody'z not up to wearing wild designz neither. So what iz their for the person who just wantz a sleek shoe? Well go for the old school madisonz!!! But that person doezn't want to go all the way retro with the classicz. So, with thiz shoe the company still keepz the classic round toe, just addz a more sleeker design to it. Would I wear it? Maybe. Itz too tamed for me. However, It would be good to have in the collection, to show the growth of the classic stacy adamz shoez. I mean they wouldn't be my first choice in the store. Colorz excite me!!!!! I'm such a negro!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A woman'z worth!!! For my Queen veronica.

So for many of my blog entriez where I document my outingz you've heard me talk about my Pookie. The person I'm refering to iz my Girl Friend of two yearz, Veronica. I've done many posts where i've professed my love and affection thiz lady in my life, but I really want to explane the type of woman she iz. Veronica iz the type of gurl everyman wishez for whenever they decide to come to their sensez. A woman that will stand by my side when itz me against the world. She takez me by the hand and letz me know my fight iz her fight. But most of all she alwayz givez of herself to make sure otherz go without. A selfless individual, a God sent vessel blessed with the gift to make thoze who come in her contact smile. Her glow iz evident and can be seen a mile away. She haz been granted the gift to care for children, when she herself haz non. Not a mother in the traditonal sense, of birthing a child. But her influence on every child she'z held in her tender grasp, haz been enriched through her nurturing. Even me being 24 year old, I benifit from being with her. Veronica haz revived thiz heart of mine that layed in Cardiact Arrest. Letting me know that their are women in the world that aren't blinded by what a man can do for them. I've trampz, skankz, gold diggerz and every other form of the negative aspecct of a woman in my lifetime. But I rejoyed the day I waz able to find a pure delicate flower in a sea of weedz. To the love of my life, I want her to know she meanz the world to me. Az long az I live I plan to be your lover, friend, and companion. For better or for worst. Veronica I love you. Keep ya head up!!


Now letz face it, we live in the age where every company feelz itz cool to uze the blue printz of old and just redesign it. We've seen thiz move with the sneaker thiz past year. Now forever, company'z have done everything in their power to put a fresh Innovative spin on everybody'z favorite Non sneaker the Wallabee shoez. Clarkz are the Originatorz of the model. However, every brand under the sun haz recreated the style, Lugz, GBX, Ben Sherman, Sabego, fubu, just to name a few. Personally I waz a fan of how GBX redid them. From them doing actual wallyz, they've takin the game a step further. Lugz went and put a boot sole where the flat ruber bottom of the shoe lied. That waz a bone head design move. Recently theze are the new developmentz in the wallabee design war. The contenderz? The Originatorz, Clarks, and Stacy Adams. Now both of theze are my two favorite brandz but I must say they both really messed up a good thing. I MEAN WHY WOULD YOU????!!!! I could understand Stacy Adams becauze they never got the wally design right dating back to the SAO dayz, but how do the originatorz mess up their own designz? The clarkz jointz, better known az the cobraz are the jointz with the red color way and the black color way with the sneaker bottom. SNEAKER BOTTOM WALLYZ!!!!!???? What waz your design team thinking? Then the two with the black color way and the tan/brown suede color way are the Stacy Adams jointz. The tan/brown jointz remind me of what timberland did to the wally jointz!!!! Timberland really made a Mockery of the wallabee game!!!! And Stacy Adams doez the same to them az well. Well I think out of all of them, the brown/tan suede jointz are the only onez I could really tolerate!! The rest are a no go. YOU GUYZ HAVE TO GET THEZE DESIGNZ TOGETHER!!!! ITZ ONE THING TO MESS UP AN ORIGINAL, BUT ITZ EVEN WORST FOR THE ORIGINATORZ TO MESS UP AN ORIGINAL!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ready for war!!!

Itz real, I hear it, see it, and smell it. The whisperz, the slick talk. The Rolling of eyez when I pass through!!! See yall would call me conceited if I said I waz the center of attention. But through your conversation you build me up az such!!!! I live the American Dream, and ya'll just fantasize about attaining it!! Many yearz you've seen guyz who were the Moverz and shakerz of the metropolitan citiez come in with their suitz and tiez on!! Making lawz for the inner city, raizing the cost of living, and representing power in high placez! But we fear a young black male whoze decided to raize the bar and become a mover and shaker in hiz own right! God haz given me a vizion, so I have to live thiz life. I don't make no apologiez for thiz style of mine!!!! If itz too much for you to take in at one time then cloze your eyez. Right now i'm at war. The world wantz me captured, enslaved into their thought process. Sack Label shirtz and Dead Party jeanz don't cut it in my world. You are all brain washed Zombiez to me. Caught up in stylez that weren't made for you in the first place!! But understand, since i've come into my own i've been at war with conformity!! A war that iz faught every single day when I walk out the door!! The moment my feet hit the concrete i'm engaging in combat!! No dayz off!! Itz me against the world!! Itz sad that in thiz life I lead, racism izn't the problem I face!!! Nah itz not a black thing!!! Itz a style thing!! I'm hated cauze of my loud and flashy appearance!! But understand thiz!! It ain't never gonna stop!

How you steppin???!!!

Couple Jointz on my wishlist!!!! Fiesso alwayz comez hard with the craziest shoe desighnz. They rival Zota kneck and kneck. But I think Fiesso got em with the designz.Not to say that Zota Shoe company doezn't bring it. Plenty of Zota'z in the collection to prove that. However Fiesso iz more consistent. At tize their designz mirror eachother. I can be in a particular shoe store, and see a pair of Zota'z and i'm like dang thoze are sick. Turn around, and see the same design of Fiesso'z page, however they're alterd a bit. Maybe same manufacturerz. Any way, i'm feelin Cowboy bootz a lil. Not the real high jointz to the knee, but the onez in the pic. I might have to check into thoze. They bring back memoriez of when I uzed to wear Durango Bootz in high school. LOL! I might got to get some Durangoz for GP.

Make it all right!!!

Ok people who really know me, know i'm a lover of Music from 2000-2001. Really R&B music. Further more R&B music. A time when R&B artists were more concerned with Singing and vocalz. In recent yearz R&B dudez have to be able to sing and dance. I mean you did have the Sisqo'z and Genuwine'z and groupz like 112. But they had the full package. Great Album, great conceptz for songz, dnce movez, everything. However, I love R&B artistz that had soul in their music. Such az Carl Thomas. To me he haz alwayz haz deliverd a presence to the music world that waz much needed. I hate to use the term Grown and Sexy, but hiz music personified the phrase. Music that touched emotion. Hence forth the name of hiz first album. What really had me in hiz melodic clutchez waz hiz "I Wish I never Met her". That song really hit the emotionz man people get when cheating. The highz, the lowz, the winz, and the hurt of the down fall when cheating. But most of then there waz hiz summer Rain joint that waz so sexy. Definetly felt the light skinned chick in that video lol!!! Hiz album waz great, but really showed hiz versitility waz when he waz featured on other peoplez trackz. He'z sang on trackz with Memphis Bleek, LL cool J, Amil, Diddy of course, faith evens and many otherz. My most memorable two were "I love my life" for Nore'z N.O.R.E album. I can still hear him rift, "I love my life, sold drugz my life, live my whole life, thiz game we play, I live and Pray". I know wild way to describe the drug game, but hiz melodic voice brought smoth Soul to street life. But the best waz the Joint he would come back on Nore and capone'z Reunion album where he coverd Sam Cook'z change gonna come on the intro!!!! Man every hood nigga waz singin that joint, and you know niggaz knew nothin about Sam Cook. Carl Thomas iz a true R&B artist. the sad part iz, like the majority of singerz of that time aren't relivent to today'z era. Itz hard to compete in today'z music world. John Legend iz the last real true male Soul singer that had came out. There are ya ne'yo'z and yeah in the Midst of hiz troublez, Chris Brown'z. But they don't have that power to touch ya heart and get in touch with your emotionz the way Male R&B singerz uzed to do. Or maybe i'm just stuck in the past!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Wordz can not express how i feel about Anna Piaggi. She'z more than a fashion Icon. The word icon haz been thrown around so loosly by theze suckaz itz not even funny!!! But with her she'z more of poetry in motion. well first oof Anna haz been the fashion Editor at Italian vougue since the 80'z. then haz gone on to be editer of many other fashion publicationz in her time. However, she'z most known for her attention grabbing outfitz that have left many on lookerz stunned, dazed and amazed. When it comez to getting dressed, she'z not afraid to step out and be extravagent and dramatic. she defiez the lawz of color, shape, shade and yet iz still able to pull it off with such elegance. it waz documented that she had over 200 pairz of shoez and over 300 dressez. Many peicez of her colleection were in an Exhibit in French Museumz. Now I know, people who are simple minded, will sit there and hate, becauze she'z wearing too many colorz. OH SHE LOOKZ LIKE A CLOWN!!!!! Oh she doezn't match (I CAN HEAR THOZE BIRD HEAD GHETTO CHICKZ ON THE AVE SAYING THAT NOW!!!!)!!! But therez a science to thiz look. Itz called organized confuzion. The average female couldn't pull thiz look off!!!! For one everybody iz afraid of what the next sucka iz going to say about them!!! But to step out and have the ballz to be different and cutting edge meanz more. See everybody strivez to be ahead of the curve. They want to experience the rush. So they get a full head of steam and run right to the edge of the cliff. But they never jump off!!!!! Becauze your scared of lozing your life. Which iz understanable. But there are individualz who are so freakin ballzy, until they don't mind jumping off the cliff and plumiting to their doom. Thiz iz metaphoricly speaking so i'm not talking about suicide!!!!! LOL! Your dealing with people who have been talked about all there livez!!!! You spittin slander in a magazine article or havin somethin nasy to say on the street, iz nothin new. Just showz your hate, ignorance, envy, and jealousy. But thiz woman commandz soooooo much respect in the fashion world itz not even funny. bThiz woman sitz front row of the most exclusive fashion showz all over the world. Thiz woman would turn Soho on itz head!!!! And we know all typez of freakz get down out there!!!! But thiz woman inspirez me a great deal when style iz concerned.She'z a walking peice of art. And thiz world iz her canvas.


Az you can see i've been shopping. copping a spendin. Every summer I usually have an item that usualy workz for me, then i go all out in abundance buying them. The sad part iz I might not feel the same way about the item next year. Like polo shirtz. Spring and summer of 08, I destroyed new haven with suitz, polo shirtz with matching hatz. thinking they would work for me thiz year, I bought six of them in April. only to my surprize, I wazn't really feeling them. Maybe my ralph lauren bleeker and Mercer classic jointz. Thoze are more collectabllez (LO HEADZ UNITE!!!!!). So thiz summer in my wardrobe, it'z all about wild color Tuxedo vestz!1!!!! They're the perfect item when you really don't feel like getting suited up 100%. Plain Black and white vestz are great, and can be uzed with everything. but once again, color and design are what bringz out the dressy quaulitiez of the outfit when a vest iz concerned. And trust, theze bad boyz will definetly get work!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Az a Dress shoe enthusiest, I know there are timez where hard bottomz aren't called for. Let me lay it out on the table, I refuse to rock kickz. Suitz and sneakerz in 03-04 iz where it stopped for me. Wally'z are my all time favorite non dress shoe, but they don't work well with everything. Driviing shoez are good, but the color onez are the best. Now we scream, how about a boot!!!!! Well we'll try thoze!!! I'M DEFINETLY NOT GOING THE TIMBERLAND ROUT, WITH THE STANDARD WHEAT CARPENTER JOINTZ. To be honest Timberland designz have upset me so much until i'm not feelin anything with the tree on the side!! So what would work? Theze Levi'z Balou will definetly do the trick for thoze once in a blue moon casual momentz!! Now yez in some casez they're reminiscent of the old timberland desinz that were put out in 03. However, what Levi'z company haz done to revamp thiz particular shoe iz a solid effort. I definetly need theze at the Trail of terror in october around holloween. Swater vest, dress shirt and denim slackz statis. Now God father or wide brimz, throw the kangol game on for that.

Snoop at the 2005 MTV VMA'Z. Winning Best Dressed for the night

The 2005 MTV VMA'Z have to be my favorite VMA show of all time. Why that particular one? Becauze that waz the year Diddy took over everything and the award show waz going to be ran Diddy style. In true Diddy fashion he did it az such. He changed the concept of it being a Red Carpet, to a white carpet. But what also did my heart great waz he created the Best Dressed male and female category for the white carpet and the winnerz were rewarded a cash prize to the charity of their choice. I'll never forget they had Coltrane Curtis az their registerd fashion expert(that dudez style iz through the roof, however he waz soupin up everybodiez head to much). Well it waz a knock down drag out az far az style waz concerned. Everybody came to the dance ready to throw down. But for the malez, best dressed waz narrowed down between Snoop, Jay, Usher, and Kanye. The usual style heavy hitterz, at the time. The veiiwerz at home had to vote for their favorite outfit. snoop won by a huge margin. To be honest I didn't think he would have one, giving the nature of hiz outfit. I love when snoop getz dressed(I hate when he dresses down!!!!). He alwayz bringz a smooth player vibe to thingz. But I waz definetly on the fense about hiz look. The hat waz great. Definetly would hurt that hat. However, the blue bandanna print on the Lapel and the blue bandanna print Ascot had me like man come on!!!! Dip-set killed that whole bandanna thing. I knew you tryna rep ya set, ya click, or ya gang. Trust I'm from the hood, I know. But don't mix gang culture with a suit!!!!! But then I had to look at it like thiz. Outside of what the Bandanna print representz, itz a great outfit, and it fitz snoop well. He'z the only one out of the four of them that tried something bold. I mean, you knew they weren't going to pick Mase and Ice-T who both wore bright yellow. Really I would have loved to see them in the running instead of Usher and YEZ, I'M SAYING IT, KANYE(YOU MY BOY, BUT THERE WERE OTHER FITZ YOU'VE WORN AT THAT TIME THAT WOULD HAVE DESTROYED SNOOP HANDZ DOWN!!!!). Jay-z fit waz definetlt raw. Smooth power mogul chic. Sidebar, (If you ever see it on the, check out Jay-z'z interveiw he did with Coltrane on the red carpet that night, definetly funny and haz set the stage for thingz that are happening now). But anyway, snoop definetly killed the outfit. But letz be hoonest, one I thought about it, thiz waz a true representation of snoop.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The most flyest shoez out!!!!

saw thiz add for gucci in details mag. gucci alwayz doez eye catching flashy men'z dress shoez, that have that, i'm definetly a negro vibe!! the sickest shoez out at thiz point!!


I've had all typez of cheeze burgrz. mcdonaldz, burger king, wendyz, all theze gourmet burgerz!!!! but nothin tastez like a Hardeez Cheeze burger, handz down!!! frisco thick Burgerz gettin work!!!!