Tonight was the first episode of MTV's the Hills spinoff The City, staring former Hills co-star Whitney port!!! Yes, yes, I already know i'm the only hood dude waiting for this. But like I said befor, I love to see white girls get fly, party and look for love all in the same day!!! LOL! After seeing two episodes(on Mtv.com) i'm hooked. If your not a watcher of the show let me bring you up to speed. Whitney left LA where she worked at peoples revolution to take a job at working Public Relations for DVF(short for Dian Von fostenburg, huge luxery womens designer, in my opinion rivals Vera Wang). So she moves out there knowing absolutly nobody except for her love interest Jay who is looks like the face of soho and the meat packing disrict, some other sex dude named Alex(who dated her once). Other characters include this chick (forgot her name, she's the quirky roommate) and what looks to be her rival Ms. New York Socialite, Olivia. I'm already loving homegirl. Everything about her screams Saks Fith and Neaman Marcus!!! Thats my type of bird!!!! It's kind of weired seeing this, cause on the hills, Whitney in my opinion was the most fashion foward out of her counter parts(lauren, audreana, and heidi). So it kind of seems like she met her match when dealing with olivia. But, olivia is more established. She's known all over the city, she's in every social party or club, she rocks the sickest clothes, and she throws dinner parties just for fun. You know junk is wild when Manolo Blanik is a family friend. What's going to make this show a favorite of mine is it's very fashion/style oriented than the hills is. What it most definetly showcases is the definitive battle between New York's Uptown and Downtown scenes. To a person like me who hasn't been to New york in ages(but ask me about North Carolina and we'll be here for years), its very interesting. To a person looking in, you see them all as the same thing. Nothing but people who feel they are what style is. But there is a big difference. You have Downtown thrift store junkies and then you have uptown boutique shoppers. Now a days New York Scene becomes a blur sometimes. Especailly when myspace comes into play. But any way I appreciate that when it comes to this show. Other than that you'll see a lot of hurt coming her way. She doesn't know who to trust. Then she finds out that in a city that big, everybody knows everybody. Really thats the case everywhere. Just like New Haven, everybody knows everybody. Nothing new, just shows you how small the world is. Plus you have to be careful of who you deal with. Well any way, you know the $FrEsH-KiNg$ will be a faithful watcher, when i'm not out paining the town green!!!! Or whatever color I like!!! LOL!